Timeless Elegance

Explore Our Exquisite Batik Shirt Collection! Handcrafted Tradition, Modern Style.

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Timeless Elegance

Explore Our Exquisite Batik Shirt Collection! Handcrafted Tradition, Modern Style.

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100% Original Batik Guaranteed

Made by skilled artisans

Fast Shipping

On order above $150

Free Gift Wrap

Upon request on orders above $100

Free Handwritten Note

Upon request

The intricate method of Batik

Batik, an age-old craft, has been honed for more than two millennia throughout Asia and certain regions of Africa.


Our Mission

At BatikShirt.com, we collaborate closely with artisan communities, intimately grasping their challenges and aspirations. Our mission is to develop a business model that not only supports these communities but also aligns with the diverse demands of global consumer markets.

Gerald Ming

Founder of Batikshirt.com

Les souverains javanais étaient des bienfaiteurs connus des arts, finançant le développement de plusieurs formes d'art comme la décoration en argent, le wayang kulit (marionnettes en cuir) et les orchestres de gamelan. Dans d'autres cas, les formes d'art sont étroitement liées. Le dalang (marionnettiste) javanais n'était pas seulement responsable des marionnettes wayang, mais il était aussi un important fournisseur de motifs batik. Les marionnettes wayang sont souvent fabriquées en peau de chèvre perforée et peinte pour donner l'apparence de vêtements à la marionnette. Les marionnettes étaient souvent vendues à des dames enthousiastes qui les utilisaient comme motifs pour leurs batiks. Pour reproduire les motifs complexes sur le tissu, elles faisaient passer du charbon de bois par les trous qui définissaient les motifs des vêtements sur les marionnettes.

The People Behind
Our Products

Batik Boutique partners with artisans from local communities to produce fair fashion, home goods, and gifts made from a traditional fabric called ‘batik Malaysia’.


400+ Artisans Employed

With Fair Wages

200+ Women Trained

In Marketable Skills

1700+ benefire

Upon request on orders above $100

“I have grown more financially independent and confident since working with batikshirt”

“Having a steady income has greatly improved the quality of life for my children and me”

“Batikshirt has supported in expanding our production centre”

“My vision is to raise Malaysia batik to the world and continue supporting batik industry”

“I dream of providing a better life for my children”

Customize for
Corporate Companies
& Events

Transform your company’s image with our personalized and bulk-customized products, tailored to meet your unique brand identity and make a lasting impression.


Customize for
Corporate Companies
& Events

Transform your company’s image with our personalized and bulk-customized products, tailored to meet your unique brand identity and make a lasting impression.



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